Honey – mare (molly) mule
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“Honey” sold before she could be listed.
“Honey” sold before she could be listed.
“Grace”, is gentle and great on the trail or in the pasture. She is 14/3 hands and 12 years old.
“Willow”, 14/1, black mare mule that is as gentle as they come. She is great on the trail and in the pasture as well. I can’t stress enough how gentle she is.
“Billy”, is a 7 year old 14/1 horse mule that rides gentle. He is a great hunting mule that is as tough as they come.
“Rose”, is a gentle 15/2, 14 year old mare mule with a lot of color. She will come in the house if you let her.
“Sally”, is a really nice ride on the trail or in the pasture. She is 11 years old and stands just a bit under 15 hands.
“Claud” is a great 9 year old, 15/2 hand mule with a nice handle and a lot of experience. Sold to Denise from ND.
“Ginger”, is a six year old mare mule that is really gentle. She is a great trail mule that doesn’t let things bother her.
“Belle”, is an 11 year old 14/1 hand mare mule. This girl is really gentle and anyone can get along with her.
“Thelma”, a great looking gentle, bay, 14/3, 8 year old mare mule. She is just a great ride that is easy to catch and be around.
This is “Ruby“, sold to Illinois before she could be listed.
This is “Peach“, sold to Wisconsin before she could be listed.